
Showing posts from September, 2022

Coming Soon: Analyses made on Melbourne Housing

For the past few days, I have spent most of my time on Datacamp courses. Upon waking up: I Datacamp, during the day: I Datacamp, before going to bed: I Datacamp.  While it is pretty cool that I am so serious about self-learning Data Science, I'm actually super concerned that this is actually my way of escaping the massive pile of assignments, lectures and an interview tomorrow that I need to prepare for (also a math competition that I haven't started preparing for, yet! :() Nevertheless, I just wanted to post a quick (my first!) update that I will soon post the analyses that I make here. The data sciency stuff will go to kaggle or github (or both, probably) and I will make a separate post on here about some interesting findings that I make along the way. Didn't bother editing because it's just an update post. My essays/ articles will be more structured/ formal though. For mini posts like this, it's enough as long as it's written in coherent English. A question I...