Summers At My Grandparents’

This colour palette tries to capture those emotions.
This colour palette tries to capture those emotions.

I looked forward to visiting my grandparents the most every summer break. When I reminisce those visually blurry memories, I remember following him everywhere - grocery, milk booth, post office, park, vegetable market and bank - while he tried to teach me as much math as he could by associating numbers with daily life. He wore white pyjamas and now even after he has got more colourful pyjamas, I distinctly remember the white ones.

Summer at my grandparents’ also meant peak fruit season. One of my favourite fruits in our orchard is the Himsagar mango. The pulp of the mango was a dark, vermillion orange. Every morning I would run downstairs to collect any mangoes that might have fallen off the trees, which we enjoyed together.

In addition to delicious mangoes, my grandmother cooked me yummy sunny-side-up eggs every morning. She is such a chef!

Finally, one of my best memories is my grandfather letting me scribble math equations (back then it was 3 + 3 = 6) on the road in front of our house. I have always sought diverse mediums to express my thoughts, and my grandfather enabled my desire by making the road a blackboard.

Summer at my grandparents’ was an emotion.


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